Elections Training -- Roles, Responsibilities, Processes, and Best Practices

Organization or Program title:
Elections Training -- Roles, Responsibilities, Processes, and Best Practices
Lucia Mastrangelo Meeting Room
Program Description: 
Learn generally about how elections work at the local level, including the roles and responsibilities of the City Clerk as Chief Elections Officer, the Elections Commissioners, and the City Council, as well as best practices with regard to implementing new laws. This training is being offered for the Watertown Election Commissioners, City Councilors, and city staff, and the public is welcome. This training will be broadcast by WCATV.
Public Contact Information: 
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 6:15pm to 8:45pm
Calendar category: 
Event Description: 

Learn about how elections work at the local level. Learn about the Roles and Responsibilities of the Elections Commissioners, the City Clerk & Chief Elections Officer and the Clerk staff, and the Council. Hear about Best Practices. This training is being offered for the Watertown Election Commissioners, City Councilors, and city staff, and the public is welcome. This training will be broadcast by WCATV.

Lucia Mastrangelo Meeting Room