Watertown Democratic Town Committee

Organization or Program title:
Watertown Democratic Town Committee
Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room
Program Description: 
Candidate Forum A candidate forum in which our moderator will ask the six candidates running for School Committee about the school district today and their proposals for addressing various items. This will be immediately followed by a second forum in which our moderator will ask the Board of Library of Trustees candidates about the Library today and their proposals for addressing various items. In both, we hope to have some cross-conversation between the candidates.
Public Contact Information: 
Rita Colafella colafella@gmail.com
Sunday, October 17, 2021 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Event Description: 

Candidate Forum: The School Committee and The Board of Library Trustees
A candidate forum in which our moderator will ask the six candidates running for School Committee about the school district today and their proposals for addressing various items. This will be immediately followed by a second forum in which our moderator will ask the Board of Library of Trustees candidates about the Library today and their proposals for addressing various items. In both, we hope to have some cross-conversation between the candidates.

Calendar category: 
Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room